We are going to do multiple contests and giveaways from our marketing wallet which will be doxxed
The first one is a $100 giveaway to 5 random wallets who purchased SUNPIMP in a certain timeframe
and have held their tokens for at least 24 hours,
all the winners will be publicly announced on telegram and X, and the screenshots of the transactions will also be posted.
We will announce beforehand exactly what the starting-time and the end-time will be.

The second one will be an unannounced random giveaway to 10 more wallets.
But to discourage a sell-off after the first contest predetermined timeframe,
we will announce the timeframe afterwards for people who have bought and held at least 24 hours in a secret
ind held at least 24 hours in a secret
predetermined timeframe

The third one will be a $500 giveaway to 5 random wallets who have bought in the first 24 hours and have held their tokens
till the moment of the third contest.
If, per example there are only 5 wallets who have bought SUNPIMP on day one and never sold, they all automatically receive $500
if there a more, we will hold a same lottery system as we did in the first two contests

The fourth contest is the nicest and BIGGEST one for sure.
If we reach a Marketcap of $5.000.000 SUNPIMP will pay for 2 breast enlargements ($5000 each)
for two holders who have bought in the first 24 hours of launching and have held
their tokens until the moment of the fourth contest.
You don't have to be a woman to win this contest.
You can win this for your partner, spouse or mother, we don't judge.
We will check the doctor's office or clinic if there is an appointment
made and pay-out will be after we see the bill.

Faking it will be difficult, we will check addresses, websites
and phone numbers of the clinic involved and we will contact them.
If you or your spouse, partner or mother had breast surgery
in the last two months, you are also eligible for the contest.
We will again check if it is truthful, because Photoshop is a thing nowadays

The fifth contest will be determined by the SUNPIMP
community on an undetermined date

We are going to do multiple contests and giveaways from our marketing wallet which will be doxxed
The first one is a $100 giveaway to 5 random wallets who purchased SUNPIMP in a certain timeframe
and have held their tokens for at least 24 hours,
all the winners will be publicly announced on telegram and X, and the screenshots of the transactions will also be posted.
We will announce beforehand exactly what the starting-time and the end-time will be.
The second one will be an unannounced random giveaway to 10 more wallets.
But to discourage a sell-off after the first contest predetermined timeframe,
we will announce the timeframe afterwards for people who have bought and held at least 24 hours in a secret
ind held at least 24 hours in a secret
predetermined timeframe
The third one will be a $500 giveaway to 5 random wallets who have bought in the first 24 hours and have held their tokens
till the moment of the third contest.
If, per example there are only 5 wallets who have bought SUNPIMP on day one and never sold, they all automatically receive $500
if there a more, we will hold a same lottery system as we did in the first two contests
The fourth contest is the nicest and BIGGEST one for sure.
If we reach a Marketcap of $5.000.000 SUNPIMP will pay for 2 breast enlargements ($5000 each)
for two holders who have bought in the first 24 hours of launching and have held
their tokens until the moment of the fourth contest.
You don't have to be a woman to win this contest.
You can win this for your partner, spouse or mother, we don't judge.
We will check the doctor's office or clinic if there is an appointment
made and pay-out will be after we see the bill.
Faking it will be difficult, we will check addresses, websites
and phone numbers of the clinic involved and we will contact them.
If you or your spouse, partner or mother had breast surgery
in the last two months, you are also eligible for the contest.
We will again check if it is truthful, because Photoshop is a thing nowadays
The fifth contest will be determined by the SUNPIMP
community on an undetermined date

Pimp Image